When I met Devageet in 2008 I was in a gap. I had been a sannyasin since 28 years, done meditation even longer, gone through lots of therapies and courses and yet: my meditation didn´t seem to go any deeper. It felt, I wasn´t able to penetrate into that state of consciousness Osho was talking about. Therapies weren´t interesting for me any more because I had done a lot of them, and whatever they could give me, they probably had.
Also – more and more the place that I had called my home – the ashram in Poona – was changing, leaving me in another gap. The change was slow: the first 7 years after Osho left his body, I could still feel Oshos energy there vibrant and fully alive. But during the next 7 years, from 1997 until 2004, each year the pain in my heart grew stronger: In the beginning I tried to ignore it – trying to hold on to the image of Poona being my home forever. But each year, the change was felt stronger: it felt as if the energy was kicking me out.
After 2004 it was very clear that the resort in Poona was not my home any more. Since I hadn´t reached to the state of awareness and meditation Osho continuously talked about, I had no idea what to do. I had given up on therapies, and there was no impulse inside me to go to other masters, because if I couldn´t reach with Osho, how could they help me?
So that was my inner state of being as I went to Greece to participate in a workshop with Devageet. My expectations were vague – I didnt know what to expect, but I had nothing to loose. As I met Devageet, I was in for a big surprise: This guy was on fire, radiant, with a huge amount of energy, that was wholly put into helping people to become more and more aware. The whole work that happened there was focussed on awareness, and how to experience the effects of awareness in one´s own being.
Each morning there would be a 30 minutes spontaneous meditation called Geet Chung, led by Devageet, with the sole purpose of allowing us to become more familiar with this awareness, to notice its effect in our bodies. Awareness was the tool, and in the Geet Chung Devageet taught how to use this tool, how to be aware of awareness.
Pretty soon, I felt being drawn into a huge energy field, something inside me reconnected with joy and a deep inner bliss. After a few days I realized: I knew this energy that was here from before, it was the same feeling that Oshos presence had brought to me. But how was this possible? My mind tried to interfere, telling me I was imagining. But my whole body responded, showing me that indeed Oshos energy was around here in overwhelming force. I hadnt been able to connect with it in Poona any more, but here it was: such a mystery.
It felt that Devageet was a channel. And he did everything possible to facilitate Oshos energy to be present: In the evening he would speak about his personal experiences with Osho in the dental chair, and it felt like Osho was there right then. My subconscious and unconscious also reacted: A few days into the workshop, my subconscious gave me a powerful message in form of a dream:
In the dream I am with a group of people in a huge dark mine. We are floating upwards, without gravity, as if the bodies have no material substance. Its a long, long way up, we are passing even through concrete materials like steel walls. As we are climbing up higher and higher, it feels we are levitating like a bodyless spirit. Someone is following us, but we believe nobody can follow us through this enormous mass of steel. As we arrive upstairs, we are already out in space and we enter a transporter. Shortly afterwards we are attacked, and our transporter is destroyed, but we survive. Now we are in a sort of central command unit in outer space. Someone says, even with this attack we will still carry on our mission to Andromeda. Now we will just have to use smaller and slower spaceship capsules instead of the transporter. Each capsule only takes one passenger and the journey will take years.
As I brought my awareness into understanding the message of this dream, it became clear what my subconscious was telling me: The group of people floating up from the dark mine represented Oshos Sangha and its journey towards higher realms of consciousness. The attack and the destruction of the transporter indicated the destruction of the commune in America: the big vehicle (commune) was destroyed. And the last part of the dream pointed to the future: The journey to rise in consciousness continues, but now its the journey of the individual, and it may take a long time.
After being around Devageets work for 2 weeks, I knew without any doubt: This was what I was looking for: the next step in my journey. As I was experiencing the deepening of awareness and meditation, an intuitive understanding slowly filtered through: This was a mystery school, this was the new work that Osho had given to Devageet, the akashic transmission, put into a practical framework that Devageet had developed in all those years.
No way I was going to let this existential gift slip out of my hands. I just knew that I needed to be in this work. Seeing Devageet, it was clear that this guy was transformed, so there might still be hope for me. Of course, as I heard there was a chance to participate in the next akashic training- that time in Oshofors in Sweden – the decision was immediate: I was in. I signed up for it, not knowing what it would be really about, but on the inside I knew: My akashic journey was about to begin.